
Quality, Environmental and Security Policy

Fiorima, S.A. is strongly committed in the search for a continuous improvement of its performance. For that reason, the company decided to implement and maintain an Integrated Quality, Environmental and Security System.

The Quality, Environmental and Security Policy is based on the following principles:

I. Overcome the expectations of our clients.

II. Develop a joint effort with our clients and suppliers, in a way that everyone benefits from the advantages obtained. We want to win allowing others to win.

III. Professional and social development of our collaborators.

IV. Satisfaction of our shareholders.

V. Safe and healthy working conditions, particularly with regard to the prevention of injuries and health problems, in order to position the Company as a reference for the National Industry.

VI. Compliance with legal and regulatory obligations on Environment, Health, Safety and Health at Work in force and applicable to the organization.

VII. Minimizing environmental impacts of activities, assuming the environmental protection commitment, pollution prevention and sustainable use of resources.

VIII. Elimination of hazards and reduction of occupational health and safety risks, promoting consultation and active participation of employees in improving OHS management.

IX. Promotion and supervision of the security and health conditions of our staff.

X. Timely adaptation of the human and technical resources, as well as of the training, information and consultancy systems for the collaborators.

We consider that our client is the centre of our activity and that our staff is, at each moment, the motor that propels us to success.

We intend to promote, with all our clients, collaborators, suppliers and investors, what we call a «Winner-Winner Relationship».